Saturday, September 5, 2009

"Dead Alive"

This movie has it all!! A rotting old woman (literally, she rots to pieces), a ninja priest (who apparently "kicks ass for the Lord"), humping zombies who later create a baby zombie and by far most goopy and gory scenes than any movie I have ever seen before. The clip below is just disturbing. Let's see.. how to set up this clip.. A man, a lawnmower, a room full of zombies and well you can just imagine. Take a look... I think I gonna puke.

Cover Quote: "Some things won't stay down... even after they die."

Chapin Quote: "There's nothing better than a movie that makes you laugh, creates a feeling of nausea and then leaves you very confused... loved it."

By the way.. this little gem was Directed by Peter Jackson.. he directed a trilogy that you might have heard of.. I dunno, it wasn't that big.. "The Lord of the Rings!" Ridiculous.

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