Friday, September 25, 2009

"Chopping Mall"

Hmm.. Let's make a movie where a giant mall is guarded by three rolling, slow moving and poorly designed robots . Okay, done. Now, let's have a party in the mall with lots of making out after hours. Sounds fun, right? Uh oh, the robots kill everyone. The end.
Greenlight that shit!

Cover Quote: "Buy or die.. Half off is just the beginning!"

Alternate Cover Quote: "Where shopping can cost you an arm and a leg."

Yet another alternate cover quote: "At Park Place Mall the new security force isn't just tight. It's terrifying!"

Oh, guess what? One last Cover Quote: "Some people will kill for a bargain.. and at the Park Place Mall, they do! Here, you can shop til you drop.. dead!"

Chapin Quote: "Yes! Another movie that totally sucks... until someone's head explodes!"

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