Monday, September 7, 2009

"Blood Diner"

Well, well, well.. where to start? So you have this friend that has this movie, right? It's called "Blood Diner" and you are ready to watch it, well you think you are ready. Prepare to be confused and baffled.

50 Million years ago Sheetar (yes, that's a characters name) was supreme ruler. Some young men, who sell cooked body parts to the public disguised as vegetarian food, decide to bring her back to life. A brain and eyeballs combo in a jar that talks is the boss of the two young men whom somehow are able to get away with murdering a ton of people and not getting caught. Sheetar comes to life, her vagina stomach kills a man.. fin.

Cover Quote: "First They Greet You, Then They Eat You."

Chapin Quote: "Wow...what?.. huh?... wow."

Clip Explanation: Umm, so.. this is a random scene from this ridiculous movie. But, nonetheless.. enjoy.

Clip Explanation: I love how this guy says "You look kinda nice, you look kinda good." Hilarious, and also Sheetar is one bad ass motha'.. shut cho' mouth! I'm only talkin' bout Sheetar!

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