Sunday, November 8, 2009

"Dead and Breakfast"

Oh! But wait! Someone get's killed with a cymbal from a drum set! Cool!

Cover Quote: not even worthy a cover quote.. sad.

Chapin Quote: "David Carradine is in this? Man, I miss Gary Busey."

This clip should help you understand my pain.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"The Gingerdead Man"

Oh, Gary... Gary Busey.. The Buse.. You're so funny. I love this movie. It's so damn bad. Gary Busey does such a great job "pretending" to be a crazy person! What a performance! Now maybe I was "baked" when I watched this movie, but I enjoyed how horrible it was.. haha get it? "Baked?" sigh.

I am pretty sure that it was Danielle Steele that said, and I quote, "A bad review is like baking a cake with all the best ingredients and having someone sit on it."

Oh, how true Danielle, how true. Danielle, may I call you Danielle? You should have been Oprah, instead of that Oprah lady.

Cover Quote: "Evil never tasted so good."

Chapin Quote: "My butt itches."

Monday, November 2, 2009

"Switchblade Sisters"

One would think that a movie with switchblade yielding babes would be pure genius put to film.. nope. These girls don't seem tough.. in fact, they seem like bad actors. Burn.

Cover Quote: "The wildest teenage girl gang that ever blasted the streets! Mothers lock up your sons."

Chapin Quote: "This isn't awesome at all.. that John Denver is full of shit, man."